interpret_community.common.structured_model_explainer module

Defines the structured model based APIs for explainers used on specific types of models.

class interpret_community.common.structured_model_explainer.PureStructuredModelExplainer(model, **kwargs)

Bases: interpret_community.common.base_explainer.BaseExplainer

The base PureStructuredModelExplainer API for explainers used on specific models.

Parameters:model (object) – The white box model to explain.
class interpret_community.common.structured_model_explainer.StructuredInitModelExplainer(model, initialization_examples, **kwargs)

Bases: interpret_community.common.base_explainer.BaseExplainer

The base StructuredInitModelExplainer API for explainers.

Used on specific models that require initialization examples.

  • model (object) – The white box model to explain.
  • initialization_examples (numpy.array or pandas.DataFrame or iml.datatypes.DenseData or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – A matrix of feature vector examples (# examples x # features) for initializing the explainer.